Against the background of political developments, imbus AG decided to terminate its investments in China in March 2022. Ongoing project orders were…

Speaker wanted!

The call for papers for this year's Software-QS-Tag is extended! Submit your paper on the umbrella topic "Sustainable Quality -…

On Monday, February 20, 2023, CSU Member of Parliament Stefan Müller stopped by our imbus headquarters in Möhrendorf for a talk.

In the fall of 2023, it's that time again!

Many technical terms in the field of software testing appear complex and are difficult to understand despite detailed definitions. We want to change…

Last year, imbus AG created a new forest with 5,000 trees in the north of Nicaragua. This year, too, we are supporting a forest conservation project -…

imbus (represented by imbus Rhein-Main) receives a "Silver Sustainability Rating" from the assessment company EcoVadis. Since its foundation in 2007,…

On October 13 and 14, another consortium meeting of the partners of the innovation project HolmeS³ for safeguarding autonomous vehicles took place -…

After two years of forced break due to a pandemic, the 17th FunRun took place in September in the Südwestpark in Nuremberg - imbus was there again!

imbus Canada Corporation and Zentelia are partnering to offer the ISTQB Certified Tester training in Canada. With the training partnership, ISTQB…