Möhrendorf 02.04.2020 – Spontaneity, speed and the courage to break new ground are now in demand in the home office - also in personal training.

Stop by the TU Munich and get all the information you need about a relaxed start to your career at imbus.

Nanjing 20.07.2019 – Managing Director imbus Shanghai gave the keynote speech at the ISQE Forum.

Möhrendorf 07.06.2019 – The 6th edition of the standard work for testing software "Basiswissen Softwaretest" is available.

Möhrendorf 27.05.2019 – With the expansion of the main location of imbus AG Möhrendorf near Erlangen, 40 new jobs were created. Above all, the…

Möhrendorf 06.05.2019 – on the 1st of May it was time again: the imbuslers got on their bikes. The summer campaign "Mit dem Rad zur Arbeit" has been…

Möhrendorf, 11.04.19 – On April 11, 2019, the R&D manager of the Bavarian Employers' Association for the Metal and Electrical Industry (bayme vbm)…

imbus presents methods and tools at the "Trends in Testing 2019"

New Jira integration with TestBench Cloud Services.

imbus Akadamie supplies the necessary know-how for the 2019 training programme